ID 1506

Ariston from Phocaea, the son of Akrisios: epic poet at a juvenile age

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146/145 or 145/144 BC


ἐπὶ Μητροφάνου ἄρχοντος, Σκιροφοριῶνος
πέμπτει ἐπὶ δέκα, βουλὴ ἐν τῶι ἐκκλησιαστ[η]-
ρίωι· Διόφαντος Ἑκαταίου Ἕρμε[ιο]ς εἶπ[εν]·
ἐπειδὴ Ἀρίστων Ἀκρισίου Φωκαιεὺς [ποι]-
5 ητὴς ἐπῶν ὑπάρχων ἐν τεῖ τοῦ παι[δὸς]
ἡλικίαι, παραγενόμενος εἰς τὴν ν[ῆσον],
ἐποιήσατο καὶ πλείο[νας ἀ]κροάσεις [ἔν τε]
τῶι ἐκκλ[η]σιαστηρίωι καὶ ἐν τῶι θεάτ[ρωι, ἀνά]-
γ̣νοὺς τὰ [π]επραγματευμένα ἐ̣[γκώμια καὶ]
10 [ὕ]μνησεν τόν τε ἀρχηγέτην Ἀπόλλ[ωνα καὶ]
[τ]οὺς ἄλλους θεοὺς τοὺς κατέχον[τας τὴν]
[ν]ῆσον κ[αὶ] τὸν δῆμον τὸν Ἀθηνα[ίων — —]
— Π̣.Ω̣ —

Translations (en):

“In the year of the archon Metrophanes, in the fifteenth day of the month of
Skirophorion, the boule (gathered) in the ekklesiasterion. Diophantos, the son of
Hekataios of the demos of Hermos, proposed: since Ariston from Phocaea, the son
of Akrisios, being an epic poet at a juvenile age already, once arrived on the
island conducted numerous recitals in the ekklesiasterion and in the
theater, publicly reading the encomia(?) composed by him and he honored (in a hymn?)
Apollo the founder and the other gods who dwell on the island and the people of
the Athenians …”

Translations (it):

“Sotto l’arconte Metrophanes, nel quindicesimo giorno del mese di Skirophorion, consiglio presso l’ekklesiasterion. Diophantos figlio di Hekataios del demo di Hermos propose: poiché Ariston di Focea, figlio di Akrisios, essendo poeta epico già in giovane età, giunto sull’isola, condusse numerose audizioni nell’ekklesiasterion e nel teatro declamando pubblicamente gli encomi composti e celebrò (in un inno?) Apollo l’Archegeta, gli altri dei che abitano l’isola e il popolo degli Ateniesi …”

Commentary (en):

This decree honours an enfant prodige, Ariston from Phocaea, for his performance
in the ekklesiasterion and the theater and for honoring Apollo Archegetes, the
other gods and the people of Athens in his poetic compositions. Ariston’s merits seem unrelated to the
competitions held on the island. Because of the lacuna of the final part of the
text, the honours and privileges granted to this young artist by the Athenians
ruling on Delos for the second time are unknown.

Commentary (it):

Il decreto onora un enfant prodige da Focea per essersi esibito nell’ekklesiasterion e nel teatro  di Delo e per aver onorato con le sue composizioni poetiche Apollo Archegeta, gli altri dei e il popolo ateniese. I meriti di Ariston sembrano svincolati dalle rassegne agonali che si tenevano sull’isola. La lacuna della parte finale del testo non consente di conoscere quali onori e privilegi gli Ateniesi abbiano scelto di
concedere a questo giovane professionista.