ca. 264BC; ἐπιδείξεις τῶι θεῶι, two days, in Delos
participation to the Amphictyonic Soteria at Delphi, ca. 257/256 or 253/252BC
victor at the Lenaia in Athenae, post 262BC
offering of his portrait at the sanctuary in Delos?
traveled from Attica to and Delos traveled from Attica to Delphi and Delos
Source: https://epigraphy.packhum.org/text/62574, l.18-19
Nachtergael 1977 n. 10, l. 50
https://epigraphy.packhum.org/text/4561, l.305
https://epigraphy.packhum.org/text/63878, l.137